Medical taxi service lyon

Travel serenely aboard our GS Lyon taxis approved during your regular and occasional trips to hospitals and clinics located in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region.


Transport supported by the Health Insurance


Medical appointment and hospitalization in Lyon and in the region


Drivers trained in first aid

Why a medical approved taxi?

A medical approved taxi or VSL light medical vehicle is recognized by health insurance. The race will be covered by your health insurance fund. To advance or reimburse the costs of your journeys, you must only use an approved taxi with the blue logo on its rear side windows.

Relevant taxi trips may be to the hospital, to return home after a consultation, or to take you to your medical appointments when it is not possible for the client to get around on their own.

Our drivers are specially trained in transporting sick or physically disabled people such as people with reduced mobility or who have undergone surgery. We are particularly trained in first aid.

Taxi GS Lyon intervenes in case you need help getting around and risk side effects during transport so that our customers can travel safely. This is a professional seated patient transport. Ambulance journeys are also covered by social security in the event that the patient must be transported lying down or on oxygen.

How is the taxi fare covered?

The costs for your taxi transport are reimbursed up to 65% by benefiting from Third Party Paying. To be reimbursed, you must be physically unable to move and ask the taxi for the transport bill that you send with your medical prescription to your health insurance fund

In order not to advance the costs, you must present to your taxi driver your medical transport prescription or your summons from a doctor (duration, number of taxi journeys, etc.), as well as the certificate of entitlement to the organization whose you depend.

You don’t pay for the ride if you are 100% covered. Your health insurance fund pays for your trip in full without you having to pay any fees up front.

Health Insurance covers transport costs at 100% in certain cases : ALD (long-term illness) with inability to move, hospitalization, transfer of an establishment, transport for examinations related to a work accident or illness professional, pregnant women and newborns, expensive medical procedures, invalidity pension, CMU-C, children and adolescents in CAMSPs and CMPP. You will find more details on the website


Which medical establishments are served by our taxis?

Hospitals, clinics, medical centers, early medico-social action centers CAMSP, CMPP medico-psycho-pedagogical center in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region. We support you for your appointments in medicine, surgery, obstetrics, mental health, psychiatry, SSR follow-up care, rehabilitation, rehabilitation, geriatrics, SLD: long-term care, maternity, procreation and dialysis and cosmetic surgery.

We make frequent trips to the following hospitals : Hôpital Antoine Charial Francheville (69340), Hôpital de la Croix-Rousse Lyon 4th, Hôpital des Charpennes Villeurbanne (69100), Hôpital Edouard Herriot Lyon 3rd, Hospitals in Bron (69005) Femme Mère Enfant, Louis Pradel, Henry Gabrielle Hospital in Saint-Genis-Laval (69230), Lyon Sud Hospital in Pierre-Bénite (69495). We take taxis to all other medical establishments in the region of your choice and according to your needs, everywhere in France.

Book your medical taxi

Our drivers are available 7 days a week, plan your trips to your medical appointments using our form. Cash and credit card payments accepted.


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